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Today Stephen Jim and I managed to get a lot done.  The main work was putting the final layer of pannelling on A side.  5 pieces of ply and 280 pins and 280 small pieces of ply to protect the surface.  Hard work but it was worth it.  Hopefully next weel we can get some paint on it to stop the damp.  The car looks different and on C side where the plywood patches have now come off it looks good.  Stephen sarted putting the triangular fillets on to C side holding the ribs to the back of the panelling.  By the end of the day he had fixed 320 of them.  Next week we can trim them, grind off the few nail points that have come through and then paint the inside.    All very good progress.

Away from the car there has also been progress.  The pattern for the wheels has been finished and is ready for inspection.  All  being well it will be on display at the Leeds Model railway show 31/10 and 1/11, held at Leeds Grammar school.  There will be adisplay about 107 on the LTHS stand.  Copies of Leeds transport will be on sale.  Hopefully we will get the wheels cast in early November.



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