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A reduced team but another good day with a real piece of progress. I spent the morning tidying the workbench and assembling what was needed for the next job. Bernard arrived and surveyed the car to check for levels. The result of this is that we need to raise one corner by about 4mm. Stephen arrived at lunchtime and then we set to work to put the canvas on the C side monitor roof. We started by painting a thick mixture of mastic and turps onto the ceiling boards. Then we laid the canvas in place, painted more grey gunge onto the edges and pinned beading along the inner edge. Special steam bent pieces from the original were then put on the ends. The next job was to pin some half round beading on the outside top of the cantrail. After that we put a layer of gunge on the top of the canvas and plenty more around the beads. The last job was to screw a short curved rib on top of the A end to strengthen the ceiling to allow the door to slide though that area.  A good day's work.

All being well I will try and add a new picture gallery to show the procedure.

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