Another good day with visible progress. Jim arrived with the modified screen for B end and we spent the first hour fitting that and marking where a few adjustments need to be made to shape it to fit the curves on the corner pillar. When it was in we put the restored and varnished screen on the opposite side of the door frame and also trial fitted the door. WOW it looked great to see an almost complete interior to one end instead of the ribs that we've looked at for so long, and with the newly gilded number 107 it lifted the soul. Jim has done a great job. He then got on with sanding down ceiling boards and applying a coat of stain to alternate ones. They will also look good when fitted.
Paul carried on with grinding and finishing the brackets. These will be used for the landings and canopy bends. I fettled the last bit of a door protector and dropped it into place then spent the rest of the day fitting the upper cantrails to the ends of the roof sticks. Straps were then put over the body to pull it back into shape in the centre where it hs relaxed slightly. Then a new lot of wedges were cut to finally fix the roof sticks into the upper cantrails. The last job was to screw the C side upper rail onto the corner pillars and then screw down the little supporting pillars to the main cantrail. This took us nicely to 4 O'clock.
Away from the tram the axles have been forged in Sheffield and will be ready for machining at the end of August after heat treatment, shotblasting and ultrasonic testing. The pattern for the side door runner has been made and I'll pick it up in the morning. Also a start has been made on the drawings for the axleboxes. Jim is going to have a good look at the seats on Chesterfiedl 8 and Dundee 21 at the weekend so that we can work out the assembly order. All in all another good week's progress. Hopefully I'll remember to take my camera next week and get some photos of the screens.
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