Quite a good day even if it was the first rather Cold Wednesday of the autumn. (I'll have to remember to put another layer on next week.) Ian spent the day painting more steelwork in either primer or undercoat, including the cross rods that I took up last week. Jim and I spent the day on the staircase at D end. First of all we dry fixed it and after a struggle got it correctly aligned (it's just awkward to handle). Then we drilled the various bolt holes in the landing and took the whole assembly apart so that mastic could be applied where necessary. We then offerred it up again and started bolting it into position. After lunch we finished off and tightened all the nuts up. It all fitted and then I tested it and apart from some slight flexing it took my weight without any problem.
Here Stephen tries the stairs out. The first time anyone has been able to climb stairs to the upper deck since October 1901 when the tram was withdrawn from service and converted to a mess hut.
I suppose it's all downhill from here. After that we spent an hour measuring the platform and working out the position of the dash and the gate that proteccts the offside of the staircase. Next week the stairs at B end will be fixed.
Reader Comments (1)
How lovely to see the Horse Tram taking shape - it's really starting to look like a tram car! When's it's 'coming out parade'?