Another day another dollar as the saying goes, but in our case another staircase. Jim spent much of the day working on fitting beading on the outside of the corner pillars, while I finished drilling the brackets for the B end stairs and then fitting the landing and fastening the brackets to the stairs. All this took till well after lunch. Paul spent the day grinding the other brake beam to shape and now they are ready for drilling and attaching to the brake blocks. Ian carried on painting and then did some more rubbing down and cleaning of hardened mastic. In the afternoon Jim and I fitted the B end stairs and finished by 3pm. The tram now has both its staircases for the first time since 1901. It's just a pity we can't trundle it out of the garage to take a photo (it's too tall to go through the door now that the roof planks are fitted). We did find that the landing had warped a little so fitted an extra coachbolt to pull it into shape. Jim then carried on with the beading and I fitted a newly machined inner window sill so that I can have a go at creating a second seat mock up. Another good day all in all.
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