Another day so soon after Saturday. Warm and Sunny so Jim spent the day rubbing down the interior, masking up and then putting a second coat of varnish on the ceiling and window frames. This really brought out the colours and looked great. There will be at least another coat in due course.
In the morning I had been to Halifax to take delivery of the brake blocks.
Here are the four brake blocks and one of the brake beams. These were all weighed and Ian spent the day priming the brake blocks and some other ironwork then painted the inside of one wheelset in bright red. This looks good. We are now having much discussion as to whether the outside of the wheels would be black or red as the B & W photos don't differentiate.
I spent the day setting up Bernard's lathe to start cutting down bolts to the size needed for attching the stairs. On advice from a friend I made a holder so that I could hold coachbolts in the lathe and managed to cut and thread one bolt to size (it's over 30 years since I went to engineering night school.)
David Smith, who produces a lot of the graphics for Crich, came up and spent the morning sorting out the lettering and transfers that we will require. Then as he was up for the day spent the afternoon putting brass screws in the glazing beads on C side. All in all a good day's work.
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