Another very mild Wednesday but after three days of hard frost. When we opened the shed up the whole tram was wet with condensation and the windows were misted up. Anyway four of us turned up today. Ian carried on with the seat latts and has now done 45 out of 54 that are needed. Paul arrived and has taken away some spare window beads to machine some new ones for the doors that need to be done in oak. Jim spent the morning installing the window sill in A side and I managed to fit the front seat bearer in A side. The interior now looks like this.
It certainly makes a difference seeing both sets of seat bearers installed. I then started work on the trial assembly of a seat back and then tried it on both sides. This revealed a mistake in the placing of the A side rear bearer (my fault) This was then corrected and the seats are now interchangeable. All that needs doing now is routing a slot in the front bearers to insert a tongue that holds the seat in position.
You can see the way that the seat squab locks the back into place and the place where the tongue is going to fit under the seat nosing. It won't be long before the interior of the saloon is finished. We think that a tidy up of the saloon is called for next week.
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