A grey misty morning saw us at Whitkirk working on the dashes and floor latts. The first job was to mark the modified dash stanchions then drill and tap them. These were then trial bolted to the dashes and looked good. Jim and Mike cut, drilled and countersunk more floor latts and got them rubbed down. Paul arrived with the second long seat and we tried the new seat stays on them. The seat backs were then fitted and after lunch it went with us to Middleton. At Middleton Jim and Mike carried on fixing floor latts and Richard helped me by putting extra threads on various bolts to help fit the brakes. After a bit of a struggle we got the brake hangers, blocks and rods fitted and then adjusted them. It looks as if we will have to put some more thread on the adjusters but the tram looks better for having brakes on again. The first long seat was taken upstairs and transforms the appearance of that end of the tram. All in all a good day.
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