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This time it was a truly cold Wednesday but three of us, Paul, Jim and myself, turned up and we had a day of measuring and preparation.  The first job was to estimate, using photographs and a plumbline, where the dash finishes so that we can get the sheet metal rolled to the correct size. Our fabricators,  Fidaport of Batley, are closing as they are retiring.  Fortunately most of the fabrication work is done or already in progress so the most difficult job is rolling the sheets for the dash to the correct profile.  After a bit of conferring and studying photos that I had played with and enlarged in Photoshop we came to a consensus and the sheets will now be rolled before Fidaport closes. We then started on the floor latts and worked out methods of production for the ones in the saloon.  I also spent an hour up on the roof sorting some of the upstairs ones out.  By luncthime the 19 saloon latts were cut to length and then in the afternoon Jim and I spent time marking them then drilling and countersinking them ready for fixing next week.

I also screwed one expermental one down on the roof.

We decided that the screws need to be nearer the ends to keep the curve correct.  All in all a good day with a lot of designing done.  The other thing we found out was that the latts will conform to the curve of the roof without being steam bent which will save us a lot of trouble.  I now need to do some more work on the drawing for the upper deck before marking out can be completed.



Reader Comments (1)

Loving the weekly update on your progress. Just one quick question - are you not canvasing the roof boards before you fit the floor slats or has it already been done - it's not obvious from the picture of the trial fitted slat...
Keep up the good work, we are waiting to see it run and perhaps even visit us at Heaton Park for a special with L53

February 3, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterGeoff Senior

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