Another day of good progress. As usual Ian continued with the painting and varnishing of components. The brake rigging is now fully painted and ready for fitting. He then moved onto the remaining seat latts and by late afternoon they were all varnished and stained. He also rubbed down and varnished the C side seat nosing. Jim and I were joined by Richard Syms who had first worked on trams in the 60's when at University in Leeds. The three of us made major progress with the first seat back. We finished trimming the frames and then indiividually fitted and numbered them so that they all go in their allotted place. We then screwed the measuring latt into place and trial fitted it.
It started to look good with just one screw in and two offcuts checking its position at the right hand end. The measuring latt is a spare piece of latt that has the positions of the frames marked on that we used to space the frames on the bases. It is screwed onto the frames upside down in a carefully marked position. To make sure it was in the correct place a jig was made.
Here is the said jig. The bottom two latts are dificult to fit as they are angled so the third latt is used as the starting point. The other jig is to mark out where the holes need drilling.
We then set up a production line to mark drill and countersink the other 14 frames which went very quickly. We then screwed the other 14 frames to the measuring latt. The next two normal latts were then screwed on from the rear.
Here the first two normal latts have been screwed in and the first of the lower pair fixed. Jim is rough trimming the ends to length.
This is the final result of the day's work with 4 latts screwed in. The measuring latt will be removed after a couple more have been fixed and the permanent latt, of the correct colour inserted after the holes have been drilled and countersunk. A good day's work.
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