Just Paul and myself today and we spent most of it doing design work. I had my computer there with all the photos and we spent some time checking all the mouldings on the ends and bulkheads. We had got one or two areas wrong so there is some work to do. Paul then spent time making patterns for the beading that will hold the canvas on the canopy bends. Again reference to photos of the tram in service gave us information. I started the day putting a trial batch of resin on the rear of the coloured glass on the monitor vents. It seems to have worked well but I will be able to tell next week when it's fully cured.
I then spent the rest of the day sorting out details of the upper deck handrail stanchions. This time it was evidence from the remaining old floor planks and a roof stick along with the photos that provided much detail.
Some more research is needed before we finalise it but things are coming together.
Away from the tram the patterns for the upper deck seat frames are now complete and have been delivered to the foundry.
Things are coming together.
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