Another good day. For once it wasn't raining so I got the running gear out of the top garage so that I could have a go at fitting the brake rigging. Paul appeared early and spent the day glazing the two doors after he had made the glazing beads. This wasn't as easy as it sounds as the originals were assembled around the glass and the beads were integral with the doors. Anyway after a lot of work beads had been made to replace the ones that we had to chop out to remove the original glass. The new glass was fitted and bedded in then Paul gently pinned the beads in. Jim and Stephen spent the morning fitting two of the vent windows. These looked rather nice.
Fitting them was a tricky job as the small brass screws have to be put in with the hinges in the roof structure and someone propping the vent in place from the rear.
I spent the morning fitting the missing spring to the suspension (it had been found after any months in my garage at home) then set to work to chisel out the temporary cross member in the chassis to make a seat for the sway bar bracket. After lunch with assistance from several people we then fitted the sway bar, brake rods and brake pull rods. The result was worth it.
The cotter pins fitted and the brakes moved when the pull rods were pulled.
The adjuster nuts were tightened and when we rolled the running gear back into the garage it made a very satsfying tram type sound. This means that apart from a few nuts and bolts the running gear is complete. While we were doing the brakes Jim started filling, rubbing down and priming various parts of the body ready for undercoating in due course. All in all a very satisfying day.
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