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Another day of steady progress.   Ian spent the day touching up paint on the running gear and then carried on rubbing down the saloon interior ready for the next coat of varnish.

 Jim and I carried on with the various cover strips that go on the end bulkheads.  By lunchtime we had finished D end.

  The jointing under the upper opening where the lamp will go is interesting as it ends up providing a level surround for the lamp to be fixed to it.

 Here it is with the excess mastic waiting to cure before the area is sanded down ready for painting.

We then carried on and finished B end and I started a bit of work on the seat back frames for A side which is the last seat unit to build.  Each one will need to be fitted individually so here they are laid out ready for the work to begin.

A steady and nice warm day.  Away from the tram the castings for the upper deck seats are now in production and the brake columns have been ordered from J R England's at Cleckheaton.  Hopefully the paint will be delivered next week.  This morning the transport contractor, Stephen Tennant, came up to size up the job for moving the body and the running gear to Middleton in August.


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