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Well after a week away it's back to the grindstone. However last week Jim and Ian spent the day rubbing down and applying primer to the exterior especially all the trim on the ends.  Downs foundry at Huddersfield were busy casting seat frames and J R England's at Cleckheaton have started making and assembling the brake columns. Yesterday I picked up the first 17 seat frames.  A friend saw them in the car and commented on the quality of the casting and fettling saying "All you need to do is paint them."

Today I spent the morning marking out the position of the seat frames on the roof.  I then did a rough trial assembly with G cramps and this was the result.

A highly scientific design conference was held with Ian and Jim and I moved the frames in and out slightly till we all agreed that the combination of seat length and aisle width looked about right. The TLAR principle in action.  I was then able to finalise the sizes for the seat latts and nosings.  Michael spent the day finishing the other dash for B end and Ian spent the day doing a little bit of filling and filing on the seat frames before starting to paint them in primer.

Jim spent the day filling and priming on the sides and ends with a view to undercoating next week.  After lunch with the design work out of the way Michael and I spent the day putting latts onto the final seat back for C side.  By the time we finished we were able to trial fit it.

This still has the marking out latt in the 3rd position up from the joint.  This is screwed on from the front and will be replaced by a proper latt screwed from the back in due course.

Here the marking latt which has been used for all 4 sections of seat can be seen.  Also you can see the natural colour variation in the pitch pine. The ends will be properly trimmed later.

All in all a very good day's progress.

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