Three of us again today and much preparation for the move in two weeks time. Ian was with us till after lunch and spent the time rubbing down the platforms ready for latts to be fitted. They had got quite dirty with assorted bits of trodden in mastic, paint etc. Jim attended to more rubbing down and preparation and then later gave the interior a good sweep out, which took some time.
I continued with floor latts. The idea is to have as many as possible fitted when we move so that we have less loose timber to take with us. I started on D end platform. This is tricky as the platform tapers and each latt has to be marked and cut individually after the previous one has been fitted. However with a little jig and a few trial attempts this got sorted out. We ran out of screws so didn't quite get finished but this is the end result.
I won't be able to fit all of them until the dash is positioned and we know where the various parts of the brake ratchets and draw gear go. However it looks better than I expected.
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