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A Very Cold Wednesday, to say the least. However quite a bit got done. The first job was to make a template for the glass that will go in the lamps that we are having made for the ends of the tram.  These are again being kindly supplied free of charge by Oakland Glass of Dewsbury and Cyril Isaacs of Leeds. Richard came and collected the template after lunch and hopefully production of the lamps by Roger Mills can then start. More on the lamps in due course. Jim had made two of the mudguards up and painted them in primer and spent most of the day fitting them.  The end result was good and looks like this.

They need a final coat of black paint and also bitumastic underneath them.

Paul appeared and tried the fit of the beading for D end canopy bend.  It now fits in one piece so he then cut a pattern for B end and hopefully next week we can put canvas on the canopies. 

Meanwhile Malcolm had nearly finished the staircase handrail knobs so I was taught various dark arts on the radial drill and this was the final result.

The one on the left is for part of a vertical rail that comes down the inside centre of the spiral stairs and the one on the right is for the outer handrail stanchions on the stairs.  A lot of measuring up also went on and hopefully by next week all the remaining handrail parts will have been drawn and ordered.


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