A fairly short day for me as my wife has just had a knee replacement so I was needed elsewhere in the morning but after Lunch Jim and Stephen and I actually managed to get the first upper eck floord board installed. This looks good and we just need to put a few more screws in next week to finish the job.
Away from the tram much has been happenning. The pattern for the axlebox was finished much earlier than expected by gerald at heritage patterns in Lockwood.
here the various parts of a very complex pattern can be seen. In the right foreground is the pattern for the sliding collar that the axlebox slides on. this is spearate so that it can be replaced esily.
Here are two more parts of the pattern that form the corebox for the interior of the axlebox.
The patterns were then taken to H Downs and son Foundry and there is a chance that we will ahve the finished product by Christmas.
The wheels are to be asembled as wheelsets on friday this week and weather permitting we will get them delivered early next week. This is real progress woth the running gear.
The other great news is that Volume 5 of Leeds Transport by J Soper which is published by the society is ow at the printers. This is to be published in February 2011 and details of the pre publication offer are here.
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