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A very  busy day with a lot of proparation work done.  I didn't arrive till lunchtime after giving a talk about the project but Jim, Paul and Ian were hard at work. Paul finished setting up the router and then spent the afternoon cutting out the 12 stair treads.  These are cut roughly to shape with a jigsaw then the inner and outer edges are finished accurately with the router.  All 12 are no cut and 4 of them have had the outer edge routed and are looking good.  Ian spent the day filling screw holes in the roof ready for sanding down.  Jim spent time sanding down the cut edges of the roof ready for routing to shape in due course.  In the afternoon I started to use the orbital sander on the roof to clean it up and level off the boards, while Jim continued work on the edges.  It is slow progress but the tram is steadily coming on.  I can only apologuise to readers for not taking any more photos today.  On Monday 4 of us had a very successful research trip to Crich and I spent time measuring up the brake gear on Chesterfield 8 so that I can use my notes along with bernard's  notes to get started on the drawings for the components.  Hopefully next week I'll remember my camera.

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