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Another day and some lovely damp Yorkshire weather but at least it wasn't cold.  Jim and I spent the day sorting out the catenary rod pattresses.  All 4 of these should be identical but we have discovered that the A side ones need to be 1/8" narrower than the C side ones so we spent some time marking them and then cutting and filing till all four fitted.

Here you can see one finally put in place.

Ian did some filling and painting on the roof and then after lunch started rubbing down the paintwork on the staircases ready for glossing.

After lunch Jim and I started to fit the catenary rods again after fettling the threads on the ends where the Manchester spanner had damaged them slightly.  By afternoon tea break the C side one was in place and then we manged to get A side done.  This looks good on the interior.

Next week we will finish off all the small jobs and screw the patresses in place and then put some tension on the rods so that the temporary strut can be removed. 

It may not seem much but it is nice to make progress.

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