Another day of progress. Jim spent the morning putting the final small panels in the corners of the monitors then spent some time masking up the edges of the areas that needed vaenishing. In the afternoon he finished put a coat of varnish on all the upper woodwork. This has totally transformed the appearance of the interior as the ceiling is now darker but looks very good.
Stephen and I spent the morning bringing the old underframe and wheels out of the garage with the idea of fitting the axleboxes and suspension. We then realised how many small jobs needed to be done for this to take place. Stephen then made two of the four mud seals that stop dirt getting into the bearings. These are pieces of plywood that stop dirt and grit getting into the bearings and fit into a slot cast into the back of the axleboxes. I spen the rest of the day taking excess paint off the various parts and making sure that they all fitted together. Then the heavens opened and I had to try and get the wheels and underframe back into the garage. Fortunately they all pushed back as a unit even though the bits weren't bolted together. Hopefully we will make more progress over the next few weeks.