Another cold and nearly freezing Wednesday, however a lot of jobs got done. Ian finished putting primer on the brake column brackets and also the ratchet wheels that Mike Walker brought up, having fettled them. After that he started on the long job of rubbing down the seat latts with fine sandpaper. These are in pitchpine and there are 52 of them. Once they are rubbed down then they can be stained and varnished prior to installation. By the end of the day he had finished 12 of them and they are looking very nice.
Jim carried on with the various pieces of trim on the body. These all need fitting indiviually and shaping at the ends to fit round the rubbing rails etc.
I had been to Crich on Tuesday to measure up the lamp housing and the brake pawl on Chesterfield 8. The work on the lamp made me realise that it fitted in a different way to what we had asumed. I spent the morning making the 7th set of prototype seat frames. After finding one or two points that I had got wrong at Crich, which I've corrected, I was finally able to make the patterns for them to be shaped by. Hopefully we will be able to start on the seat units soon. After lunch I measured the window frames for the lamp housings and discovered that rebates had been added to the frames at some point, probably when it was convertd to a mess hut in 1901. I removed these and the openings look a lot better. I now have to redo the drawings for the lamps. In the final hour or so I cut drilled and countersunk the 10 steel strips that will be scewed to the rocker panels. All in all another steady day.
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