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A really Cold Wednesday, especially when my daughter texted to say she was on Bondi beach as I was handling very cold castings.  I set out to drill the first holes in the brake blocks.  These are the ones that the cotter pins that they hang on go through and need to be 16mm diameter.  I got 4 pilot holes through and then enlarged them in stages to 13mm and then ran out of drills, so by next week I'll have to buy a 16mm drill.  Jim carried on fixing trim strips, bedded on mastic.  This took us to lunchtime.  Stephen then joined us and after lunch he drilled the brake column support brackets and Jim and I started to sort out the various mouldings for the seat rails.  I sanded down the window sills and Jim started marking out the rail that supports them.  This proved difficult as we have no lights inside the tram and some fool, had gone and screwed a roof on since last winter. The garage lights don't penetrate the winter gloom very much.  After nearly making several mistakes we called it a day slightly early and are going to get some temporary lighting in the interior for next week.  Not a huge amount of progress but some.  By the end of the day I was able to temporarily hang a brake block on a brake hanger and it looks the part.  Hopefully a photo next week.

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