Happy New Year to all readers. Today was a wet but not too cold Wednesday so we mainly worked inside. A new team member Michael Cook joined us. He had made the mistake of mentioning to me before Christmas that he was a time served engineer so he got recruited to come and make cotter pins for the brake gear. Anyway he spent the morning tidying up the lathe and the workshop and then made two of the cotter pins for the brake hangers. Ian spent the day rubbing down more seat latts and by close of play had got 38 finished (only another 18 to go). Next week we are going to stain some of them and do some colour matching. In the tram Jim and I spent the day sorting out the seat bearers and window sills on C side. I made a dovetailed joint strip to keep the front and rear bearers the right distance apart and Jim finally installed the window sill and the top moulding for the seat back. Next week we will start on A side. I then measured up various parts to design the sway bar. All in all a day of steady progress.
Reader Comments (1)
I can't believe how fast work is progressing now. It's marvellous how much you acheive in a day!
Keep up the good work and let me know when 'rolling out of the garage day' is!
Love Christine
PS Dad is looking down and nodding his approval too!