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Well the last working day of 2011 has drawn to a close but we had a good day.  Ian spent all his time carrying on rubbing down the seat latts.  He's now done 30 of the 52 that are needed. At least it keeps him indoors and away from the cold winds.

Jim spent all day sorting out the top seat rail on C side.  This is a rebated moulding that supports the window sill and also holds the top of the seat backs.  It needs to be notched round the 3 window pillars.  By the end of the day it was almost ready for fixing but we also needed to secure the ends of the lower seat rail which aren't attached to anything.  We found a way to do this and hopefully next week the top rail will be screwed into place.

As the weather was promised to be dry I rolled the running gear out of the top garage and started to fit the brake hangers and brake shoes.  The first job was to remove the bracing from each corner in turn then to install a length of floorboard before bolting down each hanger and screwing the bracing back into place. 

Once a pair of brake blocks had been hung in their correct position a brake beam was placed between them, the blocks were clamped to the wheel and then the brake beam was centred and marked ready for drilling.  At the same time the projecting lug on the brake blocks that the beam is secured to was marked for drilling in due course.  I got the first axle done before lunch and finished the other one in the afternoon with some help from Stephen.

The last job for me was to trial fit a brake release spring, using a G cramp.  This showed that they need to be 'tweaked' a little to their correct shape.

Stephen joined us after lunch and, in between helping me with the brakes, started fitting the metal straps to the rocker panels.  All in all a very satisfactory day's work.



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