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Another good day. I had picked up the beading for the dashes from Fidaport and Michael trimmed them to length they have now been primed and hopefully next week we can start attaching the dash sheets to the beading. Michael then spent the rest of the day making various pins and pivots.  These are for the sway bar and for the pawl that operates on the handbrake ratchet.  They look rather good when done.   Ian put primer on the beading and undercoated the rest of the brake gear as well as varnishing another set of 13 seat latts. Jim helped me drill all the screw holes in the rest of the first seat frame in the morning and then got to work fitting the frames to the second seat unit, the base for A side bench. I started working through screwing the next 9 latts on C side bench, got 4 done before lunch and then Stephen joined us and helped me finish the bench off.   We worked on it upside down trying to remember to get the light and dark latts in the right order.  When we had finished we turned it over and tried it for size.  It looked amazing to our eyes.

Not very good quality but this was the position at close of play.  C side bench complete except for trimming the ends and A side started.  Sorry about the quality I forgot my camera and used my mobile.  A very good day's progress.

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