A quite cool Wednesday with a lazy northerly breeze blowing. However there was plenty to cheer the soul. I had a car full of steelwork from Fidaport. The 4 brake rods and two pieces of flat bar bent to go around the top of the dash. Also they had done a lovely job of bending some feather edge bar in two dimensions so tnat it forms a beading to go around the dash. Bob was worried because the verticals were about 3mm out. I then told him that we had estimated the end of the dash plate off a very fuzzy photo and that we could only guarantee the dimensions to about 2 inches. Anyway all the steel was unloaded and Ian spent the day priming it. Michael came again and turned some more cotter pins for the brake gear. Jim and I carried on with the seats. By the end of the afternoon we had got the first four seat latts screwed into place. (75 1" no 8's altogether). The result looks like this.
The alternating light and dark latts are looking good. At the moment there is an extra latt on the back to steady the frames. This will be removed before we finish. Ian varnished another 9 latts so that we can complete this seat next week. Only another 3 to go. All in all a good day.
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