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Slightly warmer weather but very wet; fortunately we are now indoors and don't have to have the doors open for light.   Jim and I spent the morning doing various small jobs.  Jim had finished the four mudguards and they now look resplendent in gloss black.   He spent some time making sure they fit and cleaning up A side ready for a coat of interior paint before we put the mudguards and seats in place. He then started work on modifying the window sills on A side as they project a little bit too far and would give anyone sitting there for a long time a crick in their back.  

Paul arrived with the curved bead for B end canopy bend so after lunch Jim and I spent two hours fitting the canvas at B end and got covered in more grey gloop.  However it all fitted well and we got the latts down as well.

Not the best of photos as I couldn't stand back any furher without falling off the staircase but it gives an idea of how the canopy at D end now looks.

Mike Waring came along and spent the day rubbing down the top deck latts redy for painting.   I then started on a bit of sheet metal work, a type of work that I have neither affinity with or love for.  We need to make two support brackets for the saloon end of the platform steps.   Anyway the Middleton crowd gave me some 16 gauge steel and I was then shown how to ue the guillotine and the folder and the end result by 4.30pm was this.

This is the second attempt.  On the first attempt I bent it the wrong way and ended up with a wrong handed bracket.

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