
Today there were the usual three of us, Jim Ian and your scribe.  Jim and Ian spent the day rubbing down, filling and rubbing down again to get the body ready for painting.  In the afternoon the paint ws delivered.  It was nice to see a can of paint labelled, "Leeds Tram Primrose".  I spent the day working on the seat back frames for A side. In the morning I fitted all of them to their places and discovered that the window sills drooped slightly at both ends so corrected that before lunch. After lunch I marked, drilled and countersunk 14 holes in each of the 15 frames and then was able to screw the marker latt onto them before we finished. All being well on our next working party I will be able to start putting the permanent latts on.  Steady progress but nothing spectacular.




Another day of steady progress.   Ian spent the day touching up paint on the running gear and then carried on rubbing down the saloon interior ready for the next coat of varnish.

 Jim and I carried on with the various cover strips that go on the end bulkheads.  By lunchtime we had finished D end.

  The jointing under the upper opening where the lamp will go is interesting as it ends up providing a level surround for the lamp to be fixed to it.

 Here it is with the excess mastic waiting to cure before the area is sanded down ready for painting.

We then carried on and finished B end and I started a bit of work on the seat back frames for A side which is the last seat unit to build.  Each one will need to be fitted individually so here they are laid out ready for the work to begin.

A steady and nice warm day.  Away from the tram the castings for the upper deck seats are now in production and the brake columns have been ordered from J R England's at Cleckheaton.  Hopefully the paint will be delivered next week.  This morning the transport contractor, Stephen Tennant, came up to size up the job for moving the body and the running gear to Middleton in August.



A  very warm Wednesday and a lot got done.  Michael returned and finished off the D end dash panel and made a good start on the one for B end.   Ian also arrived and spent the day putting primer on the dash and then started rubbing down the interior varnish with very fine sandpaper(320 grade). Jim continued with the various pieces of trim on D end.  Much reference to old photos showed that we needed to alter most of what we had done.   I spent the morning doing the first trim of the vertical frames for the C side seat back.  All 15 were ready for final fitting by lunchtime.  After that I helped Jim and by the end of the day most of the various trims were fitted.  The other end should go quicker now that we have worked them out. We had all been at Crich yesterday, painting the bandstand, I had taken the chance to look at upper deck handrail stanchions so we all checked the drawings that I had done last night. Hopefully I should get them ordered soon. All steady but not spectacular progress this week.


Just Paul and myself today and we spent most of it doing design work.  I had my computer there with all the photos and we spent some time checking all the mouldings on the ends and bulkheads.  We had got one or two areas wrong so there is some work to do.   Paul then spent time making patterns for the beading that will hold the canvas on the canopy bends.  Again reference to photos of the tram in service gave us information.  I started the day putting a trial batch of resin on the rear of the coloured glass on the monitor vents.  It seems to have worked well but I will be able to tell next week when it's fully cured. 

I then spent the rest of the day sorting out details of the upper deck handrail stanchions.  This time it was evidence from the remaining old floor planks and a roof stick along with the photos that provided much detail. 

Some more research is needed before we finalise it but things are coming together. 

Away from the tram the patterns for the upper deck seat frames are now complete and have been delivered to the foundry.

  Things are coming together.


Well it started off sunny but rained by lunchtime but we got some work done.  Jim was absent so I spent the morning fitting mouldings on the end frames to cover the joints between the corner pillar and the windows.   I also shaped one for the D end door pillar but will fit that next week.   Paul arrived and spent the morning shaping mouldings to go around the canopy bend at D end to hold the canvas on.   We brought the C side seat base back down from the house ready for work to start on the seat back.   The brake chains were bought during the week and they fitted on the pull rods so that braking sytem continues to progress.  A rather steady day but all progress.