Anothr good day with the four remaining members of the team present. The main job that Jim and I tackled in the morning was to put the canvas on the central part of the roof. This involved lots of grey gloop (Mastic and White Spirit) that we mixed last week. The job went much quicker than we expected.
Before showing the roof, here as promised is the Heath Robinson device that Jim and I used to get the masking tape the length of the car roof. The stick was about 8' long and I stood at one end and passed it to Jim who could just reach it. I then pulled it towards me unrolling the tape. We then taped each joint in turn. 2 bits of ply, 1 screw and a length of scrap wood. No expense spared.
Once we had covered the sealed ceiling plankswith gloop we spread the canvas and then gave that another full coat on top. After that Jim carried on fixing the blanking panels at the ends of the monitors and I screwed down all the filler pieces that go on top of the roof sticks. They also hold the canvas down.
The small filler strips can be seen in the foreground.
Here is one of the monitor corners after the blanking ieces have been fitted.
After that we did various small jobs like drilling and countersinking the door protectors redy for fitting next week. Not a bad days work. In the meantime the first parts of the suspendsion system have been machined and several ore drawings are finshed ready for the pattern maker so good but steady progress. exactly what Bernard would have wanted.
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