Jim and I set off with the best of intentions to get the first of the roof planks fitted. However we had both realised that there was still quite a bit of preparatory work to do before we could fit the first plank which is to be along C side. Jim spent the day marking out the boards that hide the edge of the monitors which we call the vent strips. These are made from lightweight yellow poplar known as canary wood and have cutouts along their lower edges to let water out.
I spent the day working out how the canopy bends will be fixed. The outer end rests on a bracket secured to a corner pillar. The inner end rests on the landing which in turn is supported by two brackets. Each of the brackets is fixed diferently due to the structure it is fastened to so each brcket has to be marked and drilled individually. This took me most of the day but by the end three brackets were fixed and a temporary landing installed so that we could offer up the canopy bend.
We also got another team member as Malcolm Hindes turned up and started to install the four new strip lights that will be helpful this winter. Bernard had bought them some time ago but never got chance to fit them.
Not a spectacular day but steady progress. Away from the tramshed the machining of the wheelsets is progressing and the stretcher plates that form the top of the axlebox units have been ordered.
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