Another week of steady progress both on the tram and away from it. On Friday I went to Sheffield and collected the coil springs. On my way home I called at Featherstone to inspect the wheels that have been machined.
Here you can see the 4 wheels after machining. The right hand picture shows the detail of the loose wheel which has it's oilways cut inside the bore and the tapped hole for mounting the oiler.
Today I spoent the morning cleaning and measuring more surviving bits of roof planks to try and find out how the seats were mounted. After lunch I finally found the sets of holes that i was looking for and now need to work these into the CAd drawing to finalise the seat design. Paul and Jim spent the morning fettling the ventilator boards and getting them ready for fitting. I also managed to find bernard's Die nuts and sorted out the bolts for the landing brackets. These were fitted after lunch and them Jim and Paul mountd the ventilator boards. these transformed the appearance of the tram.
Here you can see C side with the vent strip in place and B end with the brackets that support the canopy bend and the landing. We ahve fitted a temporary landing for the time being to locate the canopy bend.
Stephen also arrived after lunch and spent his time tidying put the top garage ready for us to take delivery of the wheelsets. It was great to see some track laid ready for them.
Now that's progress You didn;t know that they are laying tram track in Leeds!
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