Yet another steady progress week. Paul spent the day planing the top of the ventilator boards to match the upper cantrail, Jim spent the day filling the screw holes in them then rubbing them down. I concentrated on measuring the ceiling planks yet again and finally cracked the positions of the seat support legs. These are now entered up on the CAD drawing and the seat frame shape is appearing. The next job will be to design the frames and decide whether to get them fabricated or cast. Malcolm appeared and is now tidying up the lighting wiring and removing all the old redundant stuff shown in last weeks pictures.
Away from the tramshed we took delivery of the stretcher bars for the axleboxes. These were tried with the suspension rods and they fitted! The rubber cone is now at prototyping stage and the steel for the spring seats has been profile cut and taken for machining. Measuring of the few remaining bits of upper deck planking ahs also shown the position of one of the inner feet for the end seats so the design is coming together even if I am in deep trouble with my better half for bringing dirty old bits of wood home.
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