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Well it's now 5 years since we started and alot of work has been done.  Today was a funny sort of day as our engineering Guru, Bernard is very poorly and we were all a bit subdued.  However we felt that the best thing we could do was to crack on.  Paul continued putting ceiling boards on and got three more on C side placed.  In the morning i strated to sand down the only teo surviving upper deck floor boards.  Thsi provided an immense amount of information and one of them showed where the cross wise floor latts were as well as the latts near the landing.  This enabled us to fix the position of the seats to within half an inch as well as the number and position of the floor latts.  We are still working on how the seats were fastened down though there are some marks where the staff at Kikstall road obviously took some screws out and back filled the holes, however these were in the centre of the seats and not the ends as we would expect.

In the afternoon Paul and I worked at getting the wedges driven home on C side and cut off so that we can finish the ceiling next week.  Jim and Stephen continued rubbing down  and also spent some time sorting out the top garage ready for when the sheelsets arrive in a few weeks time.

All in all it wa a good day and the interior now looks like this:-

It's good seeing the 107 number in it's pristine glory plus the ceiling coming along.

At he end we tidied the car up to take some photos to send to Bernard and also put the D end canopy bend on the sort out some design issues.  It was amazing how this latered the appearance of the car.

OK it's only held on by clamps but it does look good.



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