Back to work today after a week off due to a combination of various factors. Jim and I spentr the day working on the upper deck floor planks. The first job was to fix the B end canopy bend and bed it in mastic. We nearly finished the detailing on the A side edge plank and its associated moulding. That should be fitted next week. We also prepared the first three normal planks for C side. The ends of these cover the canpoy bend and the undersides were grooved to make them look like the ceiling planks which are half the width of the floor planks. This means cutting a V groove down the centre of the last 2' of the plank and planing the edges. We'd never used the router before but after experimenting on some off cuts got it to cut the V groove easily. Hopefully these planks can be screwed down next week.
Meanwhile away from the tram the final Oilers have been delivered and the first of the axlebox castings have been machined. Hopefully the others will be redy next week.
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