A quite cool Wednesday thanks to a lazy North Wind but plenty done. We got the first two 'normal' roof planks fixed on C side so there is now a run of three planks which look very good. First however we had to fix the strange spacer that goes under the centre of these boards in between the centre ribs in line with the central windo0w pillar. Dave Tanner, who helped us move the wheels, tells me that these are 'torque lozenges' much used in aircraft construction, to keep parallel stringers from twisting. The first torque lozenge was fixed and mastic applied in the groove then the first plank was inserted, lined up and cramped into place. Then 12 2" no 12's were inserted to hold it in place. The cramps were all moved up and the next one was done. At the same time Jim and Paul worked at putting the moulding underneath the A side edge plank which we will fit next week. The planked area on C side looks great.
We also took delivery of the machined axle boxes and sliding collars. The mould for the production rubber dampers is being made so they shoulkd be delivered in about 2 weeks. Then we will be able to make a trial assembly of the suspension. Also Jim and I went to watch the first pages of Volume 5 of Leeds Transport being printed so that Jim could check the colouring. They looked good and the process was fascinating. By now the 6 tons (yes that's correct) of paper should have been convereted ito 448 pages by 1800 copies ready for binding.
All in all a good but cool day.
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