Well I was Billy no mates today as all the others were otherwise engaged, extending their garages (His fault for buying a wide car), bidding for postcards, working or in hospital, the latter can be excused but he will still have some drawings to check at visiting time tomorrow.
I got on with the ceiling boards and by the end of the day had managed to get all 19 screwed down with a total of 532 1" No 6 Stainless steel screws. These end about 10" from the upper cantrails so there are packing pieces on top of the roof sticks between the last boards and the cantrails. These are made out of off cuts from the ceiling planks and I got them fitted on A side. I then looked at Jim's drawing from 2006 of the roof structure and discovered that they will do a marvellous job of holding down the edge of the canvas, so they will have to come off next week.
Eddie from Multitech called to pick up the wheels for machining at Featherstone in the same factory that did Tornado's connecting and coupling rods as well as some other bits and pieces. The axles are due for delivery any day now after Ultrasonic testing so hopefully we should have a pair of wheelsets by the end of November.
Away from the tram Bernard looked at my first drawing of the axlebox assembly last Thursday and made various helpful suggestions. Jim and I then went to Crich and spent most of Friday measuring up Chesterfield 8, me on the floor taking an axlebox apart and Jim inside taking the seats apart. Some older visitors were quite surprised when we spoke and jumped saying "They're real!". "I thought they were dummies." to which the reply was "We are". Saturday and Sunday was then spent putting all the extra measurements into the CAD drawing. By Saturday evening it looked about right except that I couldn't fit some small pieces in to retain the bearing and the oiler. Sunday morning I re checked Bernard's notes and then widened the box and everything fell into place. The result is below.
I only started CAD earlier this year using Tutorial videos on You Tube as I needed to do some Model railway drawings for brass etchings. This has now proved very useful as I am having to take over the engineering design from Bernard due to his health problems. It all seems to fit and has been compiled from a variety of sources including Kinnear Clark, photographs of a Birkenhead car and measuring Chesterfield 8 at Crich. Hopefully we are about there and I can then commission the pattern for the axlebox trunnion. a pdf of the above drawing is available to ayone who is interested.