Just Jim and me today. Everyone else wimped out but we still got some work done. The first job was to clear the drive of snow in case the wheelsets arrive on Friday. That got us nicely warmed up so we then worked on the details for the first roof board. This, we have discovered, interlocks with some of the trim pieces that cover the joints on the outside of the pillars. These are now ready, having been fabricated from off cuts from the ventilator boards. I spent some time cutting out 8 chocks, ready for the wheel move, as well as making extra sleepers for some temporary wooden track that will go in the lorry and on the tail lift. Nothing spectacular but some slow steady progress. Next week if the temparature rises we will try and finally fit the first roof planks and associated mouldings. eanwhile the axles have now been machined but we won't pick the wheelsets up for at lest a week as my wife is due home from hospital having ahd a knee replacement. Some things have to come before trams!