One last working day before Christmas and a nice mild one after last week. Jim spent the day fastening the screens at B end and then making the window sill for C side, which needs notches cut in it to fit around the window pillars. Ian painted the metal strips to go on the rocker panels and then carried on rubbing down more seat latts. I started by collecting the new seat frames from Tattersfields and then spent the day reassembling my trial seat length using 2 sets of the proper frames. I started out by trying to work out how to get the screws in from underneath and keep it all square and ended up making a jig for the process. I was struggling at one point but Jim provided the solution so the jig for the seat bases, which have a concave curve, is now made and will hopefully work for all 28 frames. I will have to make another one for the seat backs which are convex. So I then assembled the seat base and tried it on the bearers. It looks good. Hopefully some more pictures next week.
A Happy Christmas to all readers.
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